A leading property expert has called for stronger enforcement and streamlining of legislation in the private rental sector.

Kate Faulkner, founder of PropertyChecklists.co.uk and consultancy Designs on Property Ltd. urged for major reforms in the sector in a report specially commissioned by the TDS Charitable Foundation, the Tenancy Deposit Scheme’s sister charity.

The report finds that the myriad rules and regulations in the sector are creating confusion among landlords, rental agencies, tenants and enforcement bodies.  A typical English landlord must comply with around 150 rules and regulations, and even more if they want to let a property to someone in receipt of benefits.

“There are 4.4 million rental properties in England alone so reforming the market would help millions of people. Legislation should be streamlined and funding should be put in place to support enforcement,” Kate said.

In the report, Kate claims that this lack of enforcement has created a two-tier rental market whereby legally let properties are available at a premium, while those who cannot afford it, must settle for sub-standard, illegal, or even dangerous homes.

“Law-abiding agents and landlords are jumping through not inconsiderable hoops, and forking out to meet regulations, while the cowboys know enforcement is lax, and are cutting corners and costs,” she said.

“By tightening up on implementing legislation, tenants will know what to expect, and how to bring rogue landlords to heel. By tackling the causes of the current two-tiered rental market, the quality of the UK’s rental stock will increase, providing better homes for tenants, and better standards for landlords and agents.”

The full report is available at https://bit.ly/tdsenforcement

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